Elisabeth Jean-Charles
Doctor of Chiropractic

Consultation - Follow-up

How does the first consultation go?

The first chiropractic consultation begins with a interview. Thanks to a questionnaire, your chiropractor takes note of your health status (known illness, current treatment, etc.), your medical and surgical history, your family risks and your lifestyle. If you are consulting for pain, this questionnaire allows you to provide important details that will help find the cause of the pain.

The first meeting with your chiropractor is an opportunity for you to express your health goals.

Following the interview, the chiropractor proceeds to an examination (postural, orthopedic, neurological and chiropractic), an analysis of medical images, if you have any in your possession. 

At the end of this examination, your chiropractor will present you with the results of his analysis. From the first appointment your chiropractor begins the care.

The consultation ends with recommendations for therapeutic exercises and lifestyle changes.

These recommendations and therefore your investment are essential for your health!

The number of visits and the length of follow-up will depend on your health status and the objectives of the treatment.

How do I prepare for my first consultation?

- Allow 1 hour. 

- Have recent tests available (blood tests, MRI, X-rays, etc.). 

- If the consultation takes place at your home, think about heating the room, you will be more relaxed. 

Chiropractic follow-up: three different phases!

The first phase

This phase corresponds to beginning of the chiropractic treatment. The objectives of the follow-up are defined with the patient. Often the patient is looking for relief from pain, elimination of symptoms, restoration of better mobility. Your chiropractor will try to identify the causes and aggravating factors of your condition. At this stage Your chiropractor works on the "major blockages" in the spine, joints and tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments, visceres) that are injured or dysfunctional. In addition to the treatment, the chiropractor can give you advice and exercises . A short interval between sessions is preferable.  

The second phase or stabilization phase

There is an improvement in the biomechanics of the body, we can observe a better mobility, a better muscle tone, an improvement of the symptoms, a relief of the pain. The objective is to maintain the new balance which is still fragile

The third phase or follow-up in prevention

The aim of preventive care is to achieve optimal health and prevent health problems linked to lifestyle habits and poor *vertebral hygiene.. Your chiropractor will look forrisk factors in your lifestyle and family history.He will work on the body's biomechanics, adjusting subluxations or blockages in the spine, joints and tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments, viscera, etc.). The chiropractor can advise you on your general well-being. The interval between sessions is defined with the patient to best meet his or her needs .

*In chiropractic, good spinal hygiene means good spinal alignment and optimal spinal mobility.




In-office consultation



Home consultation


* A supplement will be applied for consultations in the Paris region, for treatments lasting more than one hour, taking place in the evening after 8pm, on weekends and public holidays, and travelling more than 20 minutes from the practice.

Payment method: cash or cheque

Reimbursement for chiropractic care :

Chiropractic consultations are partially or fully reimbursed by many mutual insurance companies.